Friday, January 31, 2014

ART HIST 3D03: Image Study List (Test, Feb. 6)

The following study list indicates the images for which you are responsible on the upcoming test (Feb. 6). The test will cover material up to and including the last class before the test. Please be aware that you are required to know the artist or architect, title and date(s) for each of these works:

Annibale Carracci, Galleria Farnese
Annibale Carracci, Assumption of the Virgin (Cerasi Chapel)
Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio, Conversion of St. Paul [Saul](Cerasi Chapel)
Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio, The Calling of St. Matthew (Contarelli Chapel)
Gian Lorenzo Bernini, Cornaro Chapel (with The Ecstasy of St. Teresa)
Gian Lorenzo  Bernini, The Ecstasy of St. Teresa (Cornaro Chapel)
Gian Lorenzo  Bernini, David
Gian Lorenzo  Bernini, Baldacchino, St. Peter’s, Rome
Gian Lorenzo  Bernini, Cathedra Petri, St. Peter’s, Rome
Francesco Borromini, San Carlo alle Quattro Fontane, facade
Francesco Borromini, San Carlo alle Quattro Fontane, interior
Francesco Borromini, San Carlo alle Quattro Fontane, dome
Pietro da Cortona, Allegory of Divine Providence
Domenicho Zampieri (Domenichino), Last Communion of St. Jerome

Giovanni Battista Gaulli (Il Baciccio), The Glorification of the Holy Name of Jesus

Monday, January 20, 2014

ART HIST 4V03: Info Update

Please note that lecture hours indicated on the the course outline for 4V03 (posted below) have been corrected. Our sessions are on Tuesdays from 11:30 - 1:20.

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Albright-Knox Gallery Visit (Reading Week)

I am now working on fixing a date for an Albright-Knox Gallery visit during reading week (Feb 16 - 22). The exhibition, Anselm Kiefer: Beyond Landscape is currently on display and features three large-scale works by this important, German artist. If you think you might be interested in going please let me know (pm or email). I am working on keeping the costs to a minimum. Currently, I estimate that this will cost about $20 per person if we have a group of 10 travelling in cars. I will need drivers so if you have a vehicle and you can carry a few people let me know asap (

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

ART HIST 3D03: Lecture Hours

Please note that there was a discrepancy on the 3D03 course outline regarding the lecture hours. Thursday's meeting takes place from 12:30 - 1:20 (and not 1:30 - 2:20 as previously indicated). This error has since been adjusted on the course outline.

ART HIST 4V03: Course Outline

School of the Arts            McMaster University


ART HIST 4E03, Term II, Winter 2014
Lectures: Tuesday 11:30 - 1:20
Location: TSH 321
Course Instructor: Greg Davies                                 
Office: TSH 429 
Office hours: Monday, 11:30 am -12:30 pm., or by appointment

Instructor’s Blog:

COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course will explore connoisseurship and its importance to the study of art history. Class meetings will focus upon issues such as attribution, formal evaluation, provenance and observational methods and skills through group discussion and direct observation of original works within the collections of the McMaster Museum of Art. Course work will require students to practice their visual skills and discuss their findings before their peers.

 COURSE TEXTS: Students are not required to purchase books for this course. Instead each student will be required to select a reading to correspond with her or his seminar presentation. This reading must be identified in the student’s seminar presentation  proposal and meet with the approval of the course instructor before distribution to the class. Familiarity with the selected reading material will be essential for all students.

BLOG: Additional information on the course and lecture material may occasionally be posted on the instructor’s blog located at the following link:

COURSE EVALUATION:  The final grade for this course will derive from three pieces of work and a participation mark. There will be one short, seminar presentation proposal (2 double-spaced pages), one seminar presentation (15 minutes with a question and answer period) and a short written report on your visual observations at the McMaster Museum session on February 11. The marking scheme for each is listed below.

Participation:  20%*
Seminar presentation proposal (2 double-spaced pages):  20%   (DUE IN CLASS FEB. 11)
Seminar presentation (20 minutes in length):  40%                           (DATE TO BE SELECTED IN CLASS)
Short written report:  20%                                                                           (DUE IN CLASS FEB. 25)

The requirements for each will be discussed during the first two weeks of class. Please be aware that a guideline for the course work (including information on late penalties and the correct procedures for submission), will be posted on the instructor’s blog by January 14, 2014.

*The participation mark will be based upon the weekly involvement of the student in-class discussions . ALL STUDENTS ARE EXPECTED TO REGULARLY PARTICIPATE IN CLASS DISCUSSIONS.

Note:  The instructor and university reserve the right to modify elements of the course during the term. The university may change the dates and deadlines for any or all courses in extreme circumstances. If either type of modification becomes necessary, reasonable notice and communication with the students will be given with explanation and the opportunity to comment on changes. It is the responsibility of the student to check their McMaster email and course websites weekly during the term and to note any changes.

ON ACADEMIC DISHONESTY:  Academic dishonesty consists of misrepresentation by deception or by other fraudulent means and can result in serious consequences, e.g., the grade of zero on an assignment, loss of credit with a notation on the transcript (notation reads: “Grade of F assigned for academic dishonesty”), and / or suspension or expulsion from the university.
It is your responsibility to understand what constitutes academic dishonesty. For information on the various kinds of academic dishonesty please refer to the Academic Integrity Policy (senate Policy Statements), specifically Appendix 3, located at

The following illustrates only three forms of academic dishonesty:

1. Plagiarism, e.g., the submission of work that is not one’s own or for which other credit has been obtained.

2. Improper collaboration in group work.

3. Copying using unauthorized aids in tests and examinations.

Please note the following statement from the Office of Academic Integrity:
McMaster University has purchased, which is a detection service. Students submit their assignment/work electronically to where it is checked against the internet, published
works and Turnitin’s database for similar or identical work. If Turnitin finds similar or identical work that has not been properly cited, a report is sent to the instructor showing the student’s work and the original source. The instructor reviews what Turnitin has found and then determines if he/she thinks there is a problem with the work.

Written work submitted in this course may be subject to review using


EMAIL COMMUNICATION:  It is now the policy of the School of the Arts that all email communication between students and instructors must originate from their official McMaster accounts. This policy protects the confidentiality and sensitivity of info and confirms the identity of both parties. SOTA instructors will delete messages that do not originate from McMaster University email accounts.

LATE AND / OR MISSED WORK: It is the responsibility of each student to attend tests and exams and meet the requirements of submission for coursework. Missed tests and exams and late papers will automatically be assigned a grade of 0. Exceptions to this policy will only be made in the specific instances outlined below (see MSAF and Permission to use MSAF ), and only when met by approval from the Faculty/Program office and course instructor.

In the event of an illness or injury a student must complete a McMaster Student Absence Form online.
As of September 2011 the McMaster policy regarding the use of the MSAF is as follows:

•             The maximum course value of the missed work for which the MSAF can be used is 29%.

•             The MSAF can only be used by a student once per term. The on-line 2011-12 Undergraduate
Calendar will be updated to reflect this.

•             'Personal Reasons' are not a valid reason for using the MSAF.

•             The e-mail message that goes to students following their submission of the MSAF will clearly describe the steps that students must take to receive relief for the missed work, and the timelines for doing so.

Note that the MSAF is only available to undergraduate students whose absence is 5 days or less in duration

Please note: As of September 2011, students will be required to visit their Faculty/Program Office and complete a Permission to use MSAF form, for the following reasons:

•             The request for relief for missed academic work is personal.

•             The request for relief for missed academic work is religious.

•             A component of work they have missed is valued at more than 29%.

•             They have already used the MSAF once in the Term.
Such students may be asked by their Faculty/Program Office to provide appropriate supporting
documentation. If the student’s request to use the MSAF is approved, the MSAF link will be made available (on a one-time basis) to the student.

CENTRE FOR STUDENT DEVELOPMENT: Students who are experiencing (or anticipate) personal or academic difficulties (e.g., time management problems, language and / or writing challenges, undue personal stress, critical family issues, etc.) during the course of the semester are urged to consult with a counselor at the Centre for Student Development (CSD). For further information on the CSD and its services please call (905) 525-9140 [ext. 24711] or go to: 

A+          90-100                   B+           77-79                     C+           67-69                     D+          57-59
A             85-89                     B             73-76                     C             63-66                     D             53-56
A-           80-84                     B-            70-72                     C-            60-62                     D-           50-52
                                                                                                                                           F      0-49


Jan. 7                     Introduction (Course Design & Objectives)

Jan. 14                  Connoisseurship: Issues (I)
Jan. 21                  Connoisseurship: Issues (II)
     David Ebitz, “Connoisseurship as Practice,” Artibus et Historiae, vol. 9, no. 18 (1988),        pp. 207-212.  Article Stable URL:

Jan. 28                  Looking and Enquiry I
                             BBC Television, Fake or Fortune? Turner: A Miscarriage of Justice
     (aired Sept. 23, 2012)

Feb. 4                    McMaster Museum Session: Collective Study*
Feb. 11                 McMaster Museum Session: Individual Studies*
                                (SEMINAR PRESENTATION PROPOSAL DUE IN CLASS)

Feb. 18                 READING WEEK: NO CLASS

Feb. 25                  Looking and Enquiry II
                             BBC Television, Fake or Fortune? Van Meegeren
     (aired July 3, 2011)
                             (WRITTEN REPORTS DUE IN CLASS)

March 4, 11         Seminar Presentations

March 18, 25       Seminar Presentations

April 1, 8              Conclusion

*Meet at the McMaster Museum entrance at the regular class time.

Monday, January 6, 2014

ART HIST 3I03 (Winter 2014): Course Outline

Please find below the unofficial course outline for ART HIST 3I03. A final version will be posted shortly.


School of the Arts
McMaster University

ART HIST 3I03, Term II, 2014

Lectures: Monday (3:30-4:20), Tuesday (4:30-5:20) & Thursday (3:30-4:20)
Location: TSH B106
Course Instructor: Greg Davies                         
Office: TSH 429
Office hours: Monday:  1:30 – 2:30 pm., or by appointment

COURSE DESCRIPTION: The word ‘Mannerism’, which is generally applied to the art produced in Italy after the High Renaissance and prior to the Baroque, will be familiar to students who have taken an introductory course in Renaissance art. While ‘Mannerism’ may be used to identify a broad spectrum of work produced over at least sixty years (ca. 1520-1580), the attention given to this art in survey courses is often slight. This course is designed to allow students to expand their knowledge of this important chapter in the history of western art.


Walter Friedlaender, Mannerism and Anti-Mannerism in Italian Painting, (New York, 1990).

In addition to the course text indicated above there will be a range of required readings on reserve at Mills Library. These will be made available through two-hour loan and are indicated on your reading list below.

INSTRUCTOR’S BLOG: Additional information on the course and lecture material will occasionally be posted on the instructor’s blog located at the following link: .Students should make use of the blog as the course progresses.

COURSE EVALUATION:  The final grade for this course will derive from three pieces of work. There will be one test, one written assignment and a take-home examination. The marking scheme for each is listed below:

Test: 25%                                 (in class, Feb. 10)                     
Assignment: 35%                      (due in class, March 10)
Take-Home Exam: 40%                        (due in class, April 1)

The requirements for each will be discussed in class. Information on submission procedures and late penalties for assignments will be provided with the assignment outline.

Please note: In accordance with the “Senate Resolution on Course Outlines” the instructor reserves the right to make changes in the course warranted by developments that may occur as the course unfolds, with reasonable notice to students enrolled.



EMAIL COMMUNICATION:  It is now the policy of the School of the Arts that all email communication between students and instructors must originate from their official McMaster accounts. This policy protects the confidentiality and sensitivity of info and confirms the identity of both parties. SOTA instructors will delete messages that do not originate from McMaster University email accounts.

LATE AND / OR MISSED WORK: It is the responsibility of each student to attend tests and exams and meet the requirements of submission for coursework. Missed tests and exams and late papers will automatically be assigned a grade of 0. Exceptions to this policy will only be made in the specific instances outlined below (see MSAF and Permission to use MSAF ), and only when met by approval from the Faculty/Program office and course instructor.

In the event of an illness or injury a student must complete a McMaster Student Absence Form online. As of September 2011 the McMaster policy regarding the use of the MSAF is as follows:

·         The maximum course value of the missed work for which the MSAF can be used is 29%.
·         The MSAF can only be used by a student once per term. The on-line 2011-12 Undergraduate Calendar will be updated to reflect this.
·         'Personal Reasons' are not a valid reason for using the MSAF.
·         The e-mail message that goes to students following their submission of the MSAF will clearly describe the steps that students must take to receive relief for the missed work, and the timelines for doing so.

Note that the MSAF is only available to undergraduate students whose absence is 5 days or less in duration

Please note: As of September 2011, students will be required to visit their Faculty/Program Office and complete a Permission to use MSAF form, for the following reasons:
·         The request for relief for missed academic work is personal.
·         The request for relief for missed academic work is religious.
·         A component of work they have missed is valued at more than 29%.
·         They have already used the MSAF once in the Term.

Such students may be asked by their Faculty/Program Office to provide appropriate supporting documentation. If the student’s request to use the MSAF is approved, the MSAF link will be made available (on a one-time basis) to the student.

ON ACADEMIC DISHONESTY:  Academic dishonesty consists of misrepresentation by deception or by other fraudulent means and can result in serious consequences, e.g., the grade of zero on an assignment, loss of credit with a notation on the transcript (notation reads: “Grade of F assigned for academic dishonesty”), and / or suspension or expulsion from the university.

It is your responsibility to understand what constitutes academic dishonesty. For information on the various kinds of academic dishonesty please refer to the Academic Integrity Policy (senate Policy Statements), specifically Appendix 3, located at

The following illustrates only three forms of academic dishonesty:

1. Plagiarism, e.g., the submission of work that is not one’s own or for which other credit has been obtained.
2. Improper collaboration in group work.
3. Copying using unauthorized aids in tests and examinations.

Please note the following statement from the Office of Academic Integrity:

McMaster University has purchased, which is a detection service. Students submit their assignment/work electronically to where it is checked against the internet, published works and Turnitin’s database for similar or identical work. If Turnitin finds similar or identical work that has not been properly cited, a report is sent to the instructor showing the student’s work and the original source. The instructor reviews what Turnitin has found and then determines if he/she thinks there is a problem with the work.

Written work submitted in this course may be subject to review using

CENTRE FOR STUDENT DEVELOPMENT: Students who are experiencing (or anticipate) personal or academic difficulties (e.g., time management problems, language and / or writing challenges, undue personal stress, critical family issues, etc.) during the course of the semester are urged to consult with a counselor at the Centre for Student Development (CSD). For further information on the CSD and its services please call (905) 525-9140 [ext. 24711] or go to: 

A+       90-100              B+        77-79                C+        67-69                D+       57-59
A         85-89                B          73-76                C          63-66                D         53-56
A-        80-84                B-        70-72                C-        60-62                D-        50-52
                                                                                                            F          0-4


Jan. 6, 7, 9      Introduction: The Historiography of Mannerism

Jan.  13, 14, 16                       Stylistic Categories of Art, their Origins and their Use in Art History
BEGIN READING FRIEDLAENDER, “Forward”; “The Anti-Classical Style,”
Ernst Gombrich, “Norm and Form: The Stylistic Categories of Art History and their Origins in       Renaissance Ideals,” pp. 81-98. [+ plates]
Ernst Gombrich, “Mannerism: The Historiographic Background,” pp. 99-106. [+ plates]

Jan.  20, 21, 23                      From Vasari’s Pen: Period Views on [Mannerist] Art
John Shearman, “Ch. 1: The Historical Reality,” pp. 15-48.
Henri Zerner, “Observations on the Use of the Concept of Mannerism,” pp. 227-43.                    
Giorgio Vasari, “Preface to Part Three,” pp. 249-54.

Jan.  27, 28, 30                       The Central Italian School: Michelangelo, Raphael and their Successors
Giorgio Vasari, Life of Francesco Mazzuoli (Parmigianino),” pp. 185-99.

Feb. 3, 4, 6      An Art of the Courts
John Shearman, “Ch. 4: A ‘More Cultured Age’ and its Ideals,” pp. 135-70.

Feb. 10                                    TEST (in class: 30 minutes)

Feb.  11, 13                 Art and Nature

James V. Mirollo, “The Aesthetics of the Marvelous: The Wondrous Work of Art in a Wondrous World,” pp. 61-79.
Thomas DaCosta Kaufmann, “Caprices of Art and Nature: Arcimboldo and the Monstrous,” pp. 33-51.

Feb. 17, 18, 20                        READING WEEK: NO CLASSES

Feb. 24, 25, 27                        Venetian Painting of the 16th Century: Part I

Note: Your reading of part one Friedlaender’s text (“The Anti-Classical Style“) should be complete by this date.

March 3, 4, 6              Venetian Painting of the 16th Century: Part II
Lodovico Dolce, “L’Aretino,” pp. 60-9.
Giorgio Vasari, “Description of the Works of Titian of Cadore,” pp. 443-62.

March 10, 11, 13        Religious Matters: Art and the Counter-Reformation                                                                      (ASSIGNMENT DUE: March 10, in class)

Anthony Blunt, “Ch. 8: The Council of Trent and Religious Art,” pp. 103-36.

March  17, 18, 20       Painting in Emilia-Romagna: The ‘Reform’ of Art

Walter Friedlaender, “The Anti-Mannerist Style,” (continue reading into the following week)

March  24, 25, 27       16th-Century Art Theories

March 31                    The Legacy of Mannerism I
April 1, 3                     (TAKE-HOME EXAM DUE in class, April 1)

April 7, 8                     The Legacy of Mannerism II


ART HIST 3D03 (Winter 2014): Course Outline

Please find below the unofficial version of the course outline for ART HIST 3D03. An authorized version will be posted soon.


School of the Arts                                 McMaster University


ART HIST 3D03, Term II, 2014

Lectures: Monday (12:30-1:20), Tuesday (1:30-2:20), Thursday (12:30-1:20)
Location: TSH B106
Course Instructor: Greg Davies                         
Office: TSH 429           
Office hours: Monday:  1:30 – 2:30 pm., or by appointment

COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course will focus upon the Baroque art and architecture of Italy, Flanders, Spain, France and the Dutch Republic from the years spanning the close of the 16th century through the 1600s. As we progress through this survey we will attempt to refine our understanding of what constitutes the Baroque. What does this term mean? What are its origins and how has the word conditioned our understanding of the visual forms associated with it? In the course of this enquiry we will also consider the social and cultural forces that helped shape the art of the 17th century. This will entail discussion of the religious, political, economic and intellectual contexts in which artists and the visual arts flourished.


Ann Sutherland Harris, Seventeenth-Century Art & Architecture, 2nd edition, (Upper Saddle River, 2008). Text available at the McMaster University Bookstore

COURSE EVALUATION:  The final grade for this course will derive from three pieces of work. There will be one short test, one essay and a final examination. The marking scheme for each is listed below:

Short Test: 25%                                    In class, Feb. 6
Assignment 35%                       Due in class, March 6
Take-Home Exam: 40%                        Due in class, April 3

The requirements for each will be discussed in class.

Please note: In accordance with the “Senate Resolution on Course Outlines” the instructor reserves the right to make changes in the course warranted by developments that may occur as the course unfolds, with reasonable notice to students enrolled.


EMAIL COMMUNICATION:  It is now the policy of the School of the Arts that all email communication between students and instructors must originate from their official McMaster accounts. This policy protects the confidentiality and sensitivity of info and confirms the identity of both parties. SOTA instructors will delete messages that do not originate from McMaster University email accounts.

LATE AND / OR MISSED WORK: It is the responsibility of each student to attend tests and exams and meet the requirements of submission for coursework. Missed tests and exams and late papers will automatically be assigned a grade of 0. Exceptions to this policy will only be made in the specific instances outlined below (see Permission to use MSAF ), and only when met by approval from the Faculty/Program office and course instructor.

In the event of an illness or injury a student must complete a McMaster Student Absence Form online. As of September 2011 the McMaster policy regarding the use of the MSAF is as follows:

·         The maximum value of the missed work for which the MSAF can be used is 29%.
·         The MSAF can only be used by a student once per term. The on-line 2011-12 Undergraduate Calendar will be updated to reflect this.
·         'Personal Reasons' are not a valid reason for using the MSAF.
·         The e-mail message that goes to students following their submission of the MSAF will clearly describe the steps that students must take to receive relief for the missed work, and the timelines for doing so.

Please note: As of September 2011, students will be required to visit their Faculty/Program Office and complete a Permission to use MSAF form, for the following reasons:
·         The request for relief for missed academic work is personal.
·         The request for relief for missed academic work is religious.
·         A component of work they have missed is valued at more than 29%.
·         They have already used the MSAF once in the Term.

Such students may be asked by their Faculty/Program Office to provide appropriate supporting documentation. If the student’s request to use the MSAF is approved, the MSAF link will be made available (on a one-time basis) to the student.

ON ACADEMIC DISHONESTY:  Academic dishonesty consists of misrepresentation by deception or by other fraudulent means and can result in serious consequences, e.g., the grade of zero on an assignment, loss of credit with a notation on the transcript (notation reads: “Grade of F assigned for academic dishonesty”), and / or suspension or expulsion from the university.

It is your responsibility to understand what constitutes academic dishonesty. For information on the various kinds of academic dishonesty please refer to the Academic Integrity Policy (senate Policy Statements), specifically Appendix 3, located at

The following illustrates only three forms of academic dishonesty:

1. Plagiarism, e.g., the submission of work that is not one’s own or for which other credit has been obtained.

2. Improper collaboration in group work.
3. Copying using unauthorized aids in tests and examinations.

Please note the following statement from the Office of Academic Integrity:

McMaster University has purchased, which is a detection service. Students submit their assignment/work electronically to where it is checked against the internet, published works and Turnitin’s database for similar or identical work. If Turnitin finds similar or identical work that has not been properly cited, a report is sent to the instructor showing the student’s work and the original source. The instructor reviews what Turnitin has found and then determines if he/she thinks there is a problem with the work.

Written work submitted in this course may be subject to review using

CENTRE FOR STUDENT DEVELOPMENT: Students who are experiencing (or anticipate) personal or academic difficulties (e.g., time management problems, language and / or writing challenges, undue personal stress, critical family issues, etc.) during the course of the semester are urged to consult with a counselor at the Centre for Student Development (CSD). For further information on the CSD and its services please call (905) 525-9140 [ext. 24711] or go to: 

A+       90-100              B+        77-79                C+        67-69                D+       57-59
A         85-89                B          73-76                C          63-66                D         53-56
A-        80-84                B-        70-72                C-        60-62                D-        50-52
                                                                                                            F          0-49

All readings are taken from Ann Sutherland Harris, Seventeenth-Century Art & Architecture (2nd edition). 

Jan. 6, 7, 9                  Seventeenth-Century Art and the ‘Baroque’, ASH, Introduction


Jan.  13, 14, 16                       Post-Tridentine Rome and Bolognese Painting
Jan.  20, 21, 23                       Caravaggio, the Carracci and their Followers
Jan.  27, 28, 30                       Roman Art and Architecture: Part 1

Feb. 3, 4                      Roman Art and Architecture: Part 2

Feb. 6                          SHORT TEST (30 minutes, in class)


Feb.  10, 11, 13                       Peter Paul Rubens & Anthony van Dyck

Feb. 17, 18, 20                        READING WEEK: NO CLASSES

Feb. 24, 25, 27                        Flemish Still-Life and Genre Painting

SPAIN: ASH, Ch. 3 (‘Spanish Painting 1600-50’ only)

March 3, 4, 6              Jusepe Ribera & Diego Velazquez
                                    ASSIGNMENT DUE (March 6)


March 10, 11, 13        Simon Vouet, Nicolas Poussin and Contemporaries
March  17, 18             French Art and Architecture under Louis XIV


March  20, 24, 25, 27             Frans Hals, Rembrandt van Rijn & Johannes Vermeer

March 30                    Dutch Genre, Still-Life & Landscape Painting
April 1, 3                     (TAKE-HOME EXAM DUE IN CLASS April 3)

April 7, 8                     From Baroque to Rococo